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Examining the Work-Based Learning Advantages for Students and Businesses

Examining the Work-Based Benefits for Students and Businesses

There are many advocates of work-based learning advantages; and, also many programs that represent this educational strategy, in the forms of internship, mentoring, and shadowing. Work-based learning is defined as the participation of adult learners to work frameworks, where they immerse into actual experiences, by channeling theoretical concepts into practice.

How Students’ Career Courses Are Affected

Obviously, students are the direct beneficiaries of these hands-on work programs. Here are three instances that prove to be advantageous for adult learners:

  • Participating in an actual working environment, not only gives learners the opportunity to practice theory; but, also to acquire supplementary knowledge, in terms of professional and technical skills.
  • There certainly is a gap between studying, towards a certain career goal, and being a professional. It is not unlikely to reach a point where practicing the profession, you have been studying, is not how you have expected. In this instance, work-based learning can help the learners to evaluate their experience and examine their long-term goals.
  • The common argument, regarding this educational opportunity, is putting theory into practice. However, the acquisition of professional skills can enhance a student’s academic course. As the firsthand experience in a work frame, facilitate in-depth knowledge.

Work-Based Learning Advantages for Employers

However, these programs are being advantageous for businesses as well. As interns are trained, according to the business’ needs. That gives work-based learning mentors the opportunity to scout future candidates, who have the potentialities to meet their demands. Hence, promising talents can be added to their workforce. Furthermore, employees want to enhance their competitiveness, by seeking innovation through workforce diversity, which these programs provide to them.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development acknowledges the work-based learning advantages, both for students and businesses. Our Institute participates actively in many European projects that promote work-based learning. If you would like to contribute to our efforts, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team.

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