Erasmus+ New Deadline extensions
As a result of difficulties experienced by applicants due to the coronavirus outbreak, the deadlines for submission of applications to the actions below have been extended to the following dates:
- 23 April 2020 (12h00 Brussels time) for Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education (KA201), Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training (KA202), Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education (KA203), Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education (KA204), School Exchange Partnerships (KA229).
- 7 May 2020 (12h00 Brussels time) for Key Action 2 Strategic partnerships in the field of youth
- 26 May 2020 (17h00 Brussels time) for the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (applications to be sent to the Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency).
A few words about Erasmus+
Every partner in the field of European project implementation knows that Erasmus+ is probably the project that everyone aims for when first entering the European funding world. Erasmus+ is a European financial framework, set to last until 2020. The programme provides opportunities for a very wide variety of individuals and organizations.
People of all ages can take part in the Erasmus+ project. The programme has been specifically created to help them develop and share knowledge and experience with the help of various institutions and organizations in different countries.
Here are some of the opportunities one can find in Erasmus+
- Study abroad with Erasmus+
- Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees
- Youth Exchanges
- Teach abroad with Erasmus+
- Traineeship with Erasmus+
There is a wide range of opportunities for organizations with Erasmus+. Some of the organizations that can benefit from the programme are:
- Universities
- Education providers
- Training providers
- Think-tanks
- Research organizations
- Private businesses
Depending on the actions these stakeholders want to take, they can find proper funding under specific categories.
Among the different opportunities provided by the Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2: Innovation and best practices and Key Action 3: Support for Policy Reform are certainly a popular choice among stakeholders. Let’s look at them more carefully.
Key Action 2: Innovation and Good Practices
The opportunities for cooperation for innovation and the exchange for good practices provided under Key Action 2 have been specifically designed to modernize and reinforce education, training, and youth systems.
These opportunities are able to offer new approaches to education and training. Organizations taking part in them can benefit greatly from the professional and capable environment that they can adopt for their organization as well as the increased capacity to work at an EU or International Level.
Here are the specific opportunities for Key Action 2, with more details:
- Strategic Partnerships: Aim to support innovative practices and joint initiatives to promote cooperation, peer learning, and exchanges of experiences.
- Knowledge Alliance: Designed to support innovation in higher education and business, develop new approaches to teaching and learning, promote entrepreneurship, and promote knowledge sharing.
- Sector Skills Alliances: Tackle the skills gap and improve the adaptability of VET systems to sector-specific labor market needs and the demand for new skills.
- Capacity building in Higher Education: Supports the modernization, accessibility, and internationalization of higher education in Partner Countries.
- Capacity building in Youth: Consists of initiatives designed to foster cooperation and exchanges, improve the quality and recognition of youth work and support new non-formal learning mobility schemes in Partner Countries.
Key Action 3 Support for Policy Reform
The opportunities provided under this action are aiming to provide full support to the overall EU policy agenda, the Education and Training 2020 cooperation framework and last but not least the Youth Strategy.
By taking part in the opportunities of Key Action 3 you are going to greatly contribute to the improvement of the quality of education, training and youth systems in Europe. You are also going to promote transnational learning and cooperation between authorities. Your organization will contribute to the development of a strong basis for evidence-based policy-making and will support networks and tools for policy implementation.
Key Action 3 opportunities provide young people in the European Area with the ability to have a much more active engagement in democratic life and European politics.
IED’s actions under the Erasmus+ umbrella
The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development has been a trusted partner for over fifteen (15) years. Our experience with Erasmus+ and our expertise on entrepreneurship are the reasons why we stand out in the European funding world.
Over the past 6 years alone we have developed and submitted over 40 project proposals under Erasmus+. Our main focus has always been the Key Action 2 “Cooperation” and Key Action 3 “Policy” parts of the programme.
During the last 3 years, we have participated in over 70 projects and during our years of operation, we have taken part in over 120 projects under Erasmus+. With hard work, we have grown in becoming a leading expert in entrepreneurship across Europe. As a result, we can design and support every entrepreneurial action for every Erasmus+ project!
We specialize in Project Management and due to our extensive experience, we are often leading the evaluation, dissemination and exploitation activities in the project proposals.
Here are some important details that you should know about IED. Since 2014 we have implemented

Here are some of our most important project under the Erasmus+ KA2 and KA3 opportunities:
Open Mind: the Open Mind – gamified e-Learning platform and open course in social entrepreneurship for female learners and students from diverse fields of study project developed and piloted an innovative gamified open online course in social entrepreneurship for women and students from non-business studies.
The Open Mind project won the “Inclusive Entrepreneurship” award by the European Network of Innovation.
IRENE: The project aimed to help adults, aged from 18 to 35 years whose learning difficulties are a discouraging factor in attempting to learn a new language. The project sought to support their effort and present them with innovative and updated methods of learning, that steer clear from the sterile and outdated classroom learning. Additionally, language teachers were provided with the necessary didactic and methodological tools and trained to improve their skills in order to be in a position to better help these students.
ITLaunchBOX: IT Launch Box addressed the existing need for IT skills and knowledge in young people in order to instill in them the spirit of entrepreneurship and create new jobs. This was reached through a set of practical solutions: capacity building of organizations, design of the open innovative accelerated educational program for IT and entrepreneurship skills and mentorship.
RESTART 4.0: The aim of the project “Digital Training Toolbox to FosteR EU’S IndusTry 4.0 RevoluTion” -RESTART for short- was to involve the industrial sector directly in the transformation of education and training systems, in order to provide the means to teach digital skills that are consistent with the technological and industrial developments.
Our Social Impact
Through the implementation of the European Project under the Erasmus+ KA2 and KA3, here at IED we were given the opportunity to perform actions that had a massive social impact on local and international communities in multiple sectors
In the ICT sector, we made sure to create the tools needed in order for people to be able to learn and acquire new skills and competencies without a lot of effort. Through our e-learning platform Athena we offer professional training courses for digital skills and competencies.
For SMEs, since 2005 we have implemented projects focusing on growth and evolution. We have developed methodologies and processes aiming to boost the business skills of the workforce and the managers. We have also helped a large number of SMEs to get familiar with the available funding.
In the field of Social Inclusion, IED is committed to helping build a strong, social Europe. We are proud to have taken part in EU projects that promote social inclusion and connect it with entrepreneurship. Vulnerable groups such as refugees, immigrants and people with disabilities are supported through activities that integrate them into society.
IED is your trusted partner
The KA2 new deadlines are approaching, and we are looking for the best partners to add to our network.
This year IED is aiming for:
- KA2 Strategic Partnership in the field of Education and Training. Deadline on April 23rd, 2020
- KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of Youth. Deadline on May 7th, 2020
If you lack proper partners that meet the criteria mentioned above, you can Contact IED’s team today. Our experience and expertise in Erasmus+ KA2 opportunities will make us the best partner to add to your consortium.
Feel free to check out more of our implementing projects, our work under the Erasmus+ Financial Framework and our social impact, through years of hard work, as well as get our Erasmus+ E-book “Erasmus Plus Project Management” that is available to download for free, on our website.