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European SME innovation Associate – pilot


What is it about?

Individual SMEs are at a disadvantage to recruit specialised knowledge as they often lack Europe-wide networking connections and do not tend to have established brands as large enterprises. Enterprise-led mobility programmes, supporting enterprises in recruiting expertise, show a high level of satisfaction and return on investment. This methodology is not currently used at European level and this enterprise-led approach is to be further developed and tested, using the first experiences of this pilot action financed by the work programme 2016-2017. This action complements Marie Skłodowska Curie actions (MSCA) which focus on developing research careers, by providing additional work opportunities for experienced researchers in innovating SMEs.


This SME-led pilot is an innovation capacity building action to provide a grant at European level to visionary SMEs who can demonstrate that the skills required for a particular innovation idea are not within reach for them at national level (for example because the required skills are not available or not affordable for SMEs). SMEs are supported to employ a highly-skilled experienced researcher (referred to as an ‘innovation associate’) for a continuous period of one year. The innovation associate’s task will be to explore, during the course of his/her contract, the potential of their innovative idea and turn it into an innovation project.

Expected Impact:

Test that:

  • An idea can be transformed into an innovation strategy and a subsequent research and innovation projects once SMEs have access to the right skills;
  • Public intervention at European level, can support innovating SMEs to overcome challenges in accessing scarce skills through a transnational mobility mechanism, increase their innovation potential;
  • Experienced researchers develop appealing career opportunities in SMEs

In the same framework IED has already implemented several innovative projects which included innovative practices.  If you are interested in applying for this call you could contact us and further discuss the available options.

Dealine: 17 January 2019

Available call budget in EUR: 4,000,000

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