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Innovative solutions for inclusive and sustainable urban environments

What is it about?

Urban environments and agglomeration effects provide an ecosystem for economic growth and innovation. While the impact of the recent financial crisis on European urban areas is by no means uniform, it has led in many instances to rising socio-economic inequalities that are affecting social cohesion and resilience. The challenge is to identify the main drivers of inequalities in different urban and peri-urban contexts and to identify best practices and initiatives, including digital solutions and alternative participatory growth models, with potential for upscaling that can promote upward social mobility, social inclusion and cohesion, resilience and sustainable development.


Proposals should assess the scale, dimensions and drivers of socio-economic inequalities in urban and peri-urban settings across different city typologies, across Europe and across demographic diversities, paying particular attention to gender differences. They should assess the effectiveness at local level of relevant policies, strategies, planning practices and other interventions aimed at promoting social inclusion, cohesion and resilience in urban environments, including new and participatory models of growth that foster sustainable and equitable prosperity. Findings should be communicated also in the form of clearly formulated policy recommendations.

Expected Impact:

By linking research, innovation and policy, the action will support urban strategies, policies and planning practices to promote equitable, inclusive and sustainable growth, including the uptake of new, participatory and alternative growth models. It will contribute to the advancement of the EU Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goal dedicated to making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. It will also inform the continuous development and implementation of Smart Specialisation as well as the urban dimension of cohesion policy.

Deadline: 14 March 2019

Available call budget in EUR: 6,000,000

In the same framework, iED has already implemented several innovative projects which included innovative practices.  If you are interested in applying for this call you could contact us and further discuss the available options.

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