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How to build energy communities through social enterprises

energy saving

Saving energy has always been a priority for the European Union. There are many things that the EU takes into account to manage and improve communities as well as European societies. And energy is certainly one of them.

To save energy, the EU recognizes the need to sensitize people regarding energy saving and the best ways to achieve it. A way to do this would be through building energy communities. Energy communities work for the benefit of energy saving in organized communities. They do collective actions that help reduce, manage, purchase and of course generate energy. Members of these communities can help by sharing their self-produced energy with others.

Setting up and supporting energy communities will help increase energy efficiency. It will also add to optimizing energy management to integrate a higher share of renewable energy. The community can collect and distribute different ways to self-produce and save energy.

Social Enterprises can add to that. Energy communities need support to disseminate their methods. Social enterprises focusing on energy saving and the environment will have the right tools needed to promote energy saving actions through energy saving communities, focusing on European societies.

The starting point is households. Households consume large amounts of energy on a daily basis, most of which is unnecessary. There are techniques that can be used in households that will help them go through their daily routine and at the same time consume less energy. Self-production energy methods can be applied over the simplest tasks The amount of energy that can be saved exceeds expectations.

By applying these methods in our daily lives at home we are slowly but steadily going to integrate them to our professional environment as well. This is where social enterprises will play the most important role. Methods for saving energy in households have the potential to scale up and work just as well for companies and even bigger enterprises.

One very important thing iseducation. Yes, the methods can be applied but it is important to make sure that the people using the methods will know exactly how they work and why they are so effective. Most importantly they need to know about the benefits of energy saving both in terms of the environment as well as profit for the businesses.

Nowadays, one small action can create a butterfly effect. Energy saving can have many different benefits. Energy communities have a collective way of thinking that can have great results. Social enterprises can, not only help promote energy communities, but also create them. Energy communities focused on energy saving for companies and big industries.

These are innovative actions that can help save energy and promote environmentally friendly ways of thinking that are necessary for modern societies. Through successful collaborations, social enterprises and energy communities can create the right conditions to promote the need to save energy and the environment!

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