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Practical Intelligence for Adults: The Successful Intelligence

Practical Intelligence for Adults: The Successful Intelligence

Practical intelligence for adults is a crucial factor of success in a person’s life. Clearly, this intelligence is correlated to professional success as well. It is an attainable type of intelligence; as this type can be found in a person with solid academic knowledge or in a street-smart person.

What is Practical Intelligence?

Although there has always been a difficulty for psychologists to conceptualize intelligence; Robert J. Sternberg identified the three types of intelligence, in the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. In particular, the three constituents of this formation are analytical; creative; and, practical intelligence. However, excelling in all three intelligence aspects isn’t unlikely for some people.

In short, the context of practical intelligence describes the abilities, where acquired knowledge is channeled to real-life circumstances, in a successful manner. What’s more is that acquiring practical intelligence relies on experience, as it is tacit knowledge; hence, it isn’t inherent.

It is acquired through a process, where a personal experience and the details within become the stimuli for further exploration. With this in mind, coping with actual conditions demands an inner process of measuring the factors; choosing the important details; and, application to daily situations. Apparently, we refer to an entirely personal process.

The Importance of Practical Intelligence for Adults

This intelligence deploys mental, emotional, and behavioral prowess for effective decision-making. In fact, practical intelligent people are efficient in how they interact in the environment within; this may have resulted through adaptation or choice of the environment. Additional skills associated with practical intelligence are the ability to influence others; and, knowing when to stop.

The frame of practical intelligence potentials is applicable in workplace environments as well. In fact, practical intelligence may prove to be more significant than high levels of intelligence quotient (IQ) or academic intelligence. As a matter of fact, studies show that while we grow older, our work performance has less decline in practical intelligence. This highlights another dimension of practical intelligence for adults and its importance.

How to Develop Practical Intelligence

Cultivation of practical intelligence is possible; and, the key is investing in your strengths and weaknesses as well. Obviously, acknowledging your weaknesses and strengths requires honest self-examination. If this intelligence is linked to experiences, then trying new things is helpful. Nonetheless, assessing whether these experiences match your personality is also important.

However, the difference between sociocultural contexts is a determining parameter for the type of practical intelligence. As the different contextually principles are conclusive for the definition of the concept’s frame.

In a nutshell, practical intelligence is the calibration of mental abilities with challenging situations, in order to effectively provide solutions. Nonetheless, being smart requires sharpening all aspects of our intelligence.

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