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5 questions that you should answer before writing an EU project proposal

Have you decided to participate in EU project or to create your own? Do you still hesitate if it is worth doing? If the answers to these questions are positive, this article will help you to make up your mind. Prior to writing the EU project proposal answer five simple questions. If the answers to all of them are “yes”, there is no doubt that you have to send your project proposal.

  1. Does the project you want to create correspond to the EU priorities and meet the strategy of the region development? You have more chances to win the grant or to be approved by the European Union if your project helps to solve the current issues of the region or meets contemporary needs of the market.
  2. How can your project change the European Union? How can it help other people? There is no sense implementing useless projects. First of all, it will not be accepted by the EU. Second of all, you will just waste your time and efforts. The purpose of the project has to be formulated at the very beginning. You should have a clear idea how it can bring added value to the society.
  3. Is your project unique? How does it differ from the existing ones? Before sending the proposal you should realize, that no copycats are accepted. If you offer the project which already exists no one will be interested in it. Be ready to list at least 5 advantages of your project. It will make your proposal more persuasive.
  4. Do you have enough resources to execute the project? In this case, we consider not only time and energy, but also your knowledge, skills, partners, etc. You should assess all these parameters and frankly answer the question above. Don’t lie to yourself, otherwise, you will regret in future. If you don’t have enough time to allocate to this project, you will not be able to fulfill it in a proper way. You should not underestimate the knowledge and the skills which are required for that. Don’t let the project become a failure.
  5. What difficulties may arise during the project? Will you be able to cope with them? Before starting the project, you have to assess all the possible risks. Ideally, you should prevent them. If it is not possible, think of the ways you can solve the possible issues.

Now go ahead! Make those ideas big and successful.

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