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Challenges of Social enterprises


The start of a new business in this modern world is never easy. There are so many things that potential business owners need to take into account before they start dreaming big. Everything from the form of the business all the way up to the details evolving the company’s offices. So many things can go wrong. Especially if we are talking about social enterprises!

Nowadays social enterprises have are the epitome of the business sector. To be a business owner of a business without a social impact is to be the owner of a business that is soon to fail. Social enterprises are the kinds of enterprises that are able to bring a social change or help maintain good quality of life. This is why if you want to become the owner of your own business you need to make sure that there will be a social impact worth promoting.

However, a social enterprise is not an enterprise without any challenges. Just like it is with every other business a social enterprise has challenges to face and here are a few of them.

  1. Competition is increasing.

Probably one of the most visible challenges. People know now that social enterprises are growing more and more popular and more people want to get into the game. The competition is growing large every day and there is a need for more effort in order for a social enterprise to be successful.

  • Collaborations

Social enterprises might be growing stronger but there is still a need for collaborations that are not being covered yet. Either because the big fish in the business sector do not believe that social enterprises are as profitable as they can be or because they simply are not yet familiar with the concept. Nevertheless, the need for collaborations is growing and unfortunately, they are not easy to find.

  • Financial Crisis

We could not possibly leave the financial crisis out. Of all the challenges that businesses could be facing today, cash flow and money influx are always the biggest problems. Every potential business owner needs to be ready with such a problem.

There are of course many more challenges not just for social businesses but for businesses in general. Through the implementation of EU projects like the Rural Treasures projects, the European Union is making an effort to help business owners recognize those challenges and deal with them the right way!

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