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Do young people participate in local events for local businesses?


If we take some time to think about the rural areas of Europe, we are going to soon notice that not a lot of things about local businesses are known to the public. That, of course, does not mean that there are not a lot of rural businesses supporting local societies. Their impact, however, is not well known.

Local businesses can indeed have a great impact on both the local as well as the national market. This is why young people living in rural areas are advised to do a little bit of research on rural business opportunities, aiming at increasing the level of local profit. A great way to do that is through events that will be able to promote local businesses and of course provide the necessary information that young potential business owners might need, in order to set up their own business.

But are those events effective? Are young people interested in learning about local businesses? Unfortunately, the answer is, no! Young people nowadays need fast facts in order for them to devote time to learn about something.

Since rural businesses are not known for their profit, young people might not be interested in taking a chance with them. That leaves the sector of rural businesses untouched to a large scale which can be very bad for the local economy. Rural businesses can be very successful and profitable if the owner:

  1. Knows how to set up a rural business
  2. Knows how to use marketing strategies to promote that business on a local and national level
  3. Knows how to maintain quality products and services.

These facts are true for every business, of course, but rural businesses might require a little bit of extra caution. However, the promotion of rural areas and rural businesses is essential for the European market. As a result, the EU focuses on promoting actions taken to inform and educate young people in this amazing opportunity.

The Prosoa Rural is a European project implemented under the Erasmus+ framework, focusing on rural areas and rural businesses.

The main objectives of the project are:

  1. Raise social awareness among young people in rural areas
  2. Improve the skills of young people to become more participative and active citizens.
  3. Promote social entrepreneurship among young people in rural areas.
  4. Create a greater commitment and awareness about the necessity of conserving the Cultural Heritage and the Traditions.

These projects are a great solution for many young people to get interested in rural areas and rural businesses. They are able to acquire great training material that will teach them the methods they will need to follow to set up their own business as well as the specific steps they will need to take to make those methods successful.

Participating in local events is the first step and after that, the sky is the limit!

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