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What is the State of Digital Skills In Schools and Industry?

What is the State of Digital Skills In Schools and Industry?

In the modern and digital era of the 4th industrial revolution, digital skills play a critical role. Industry 4.0 demands a different skillset from its employees, which is more technologically and digitally oriented.

This shift to an even more digital economy was further accelerated by the pandemic leading to a skills revolution in Europe. This, however, created opportunities and challenges.

Schools are tasked with upskilling the younger generation and preparing them for the not-so-distant future workplace. But to do so, schools must know what digital skills are currently in high demand and will continue to be in the future.

To have access to this kind of information, together with our partners in “Education 4.0 For Youth“, we thought that the best way is to distribute surveys to stakeholders. To find what is the state of digital skills in schools and industry, we have sent out surveys to employers and schools.

Let’s find out how we did it and why.

The Surveys

Creating and sending out the surveys to find what is the state of digital skills in schools and industry is the first result we’ve developed with our partners.

Through this survey, our goal is to find the skills employers are looking for in their employees and the kinds and levels of digital and technical skills taught at schools.

To do so, we’ve created three separate surveys* based on the DIGCOMP framework:

  • A student survey
  • A teacher survey
  • An employer survey

*These surveys are also translated in the native languages of all partipating partners.

If you belong to one of the above target groups, feel free to respond to the survey. All answers will be very much appreciated.

Uncovering The State of Digital Skills

With the results of these surveys, our aim is to create a Skill Competency Map later on. This mapping, will let us know what is the level of the digital and technical skills of young people in each partner country.

Further, we will have a better understanding of the digital skills young people lack. This will allow the development of tailored learning solutions to young people’s needs.

Last but not least, the Skill Competency Map will reveal the role of education in training the younger generation with the skills the modern workplace demands.

Learn more about Education 4.0 for Youth project by visiting the official website.

For partnerships for EU projects on digital upskilling or any other education-related topic, do not hesitate to contact us to discuss.

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