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FREASCO Self-Assessment Tool: Measuring Gender Gaps

The FREASCO self-assessment tool has been fulfilled, as part of a deliverables series for “FREASCO – Free from sexism and sexual harassment at school”. This is a European project attempting to eliminate gender stereotypes and any deriving actions.

Acting Upon Gender-Based Violence in Education

The core of this REC project is to counteract any kind of gender-based violence in the educational premises. The FREASCO strategic partnership aims to produce a set of tools pertinent to such phenomena eradication. In particular, the partnership is aiming at a baseline creation, through organizational gender audit.

You can learn more about FREASCO by visiting the official webpage.

The Context of FREASCO Self-Assessment Tool

Among the project’s deliverables, is the FREASCO self-assessment tool. This tool is designed to contribute to gender policies and awareness within educational institutions; and, has 3 components:

Self-assessment online tool: This tool isn’t limited to being self-referential but encourages interaction that will contribute to the instrument’s re-engineering. It will also encourage connections with other FREASCO users, beyond their geographical territory, for maximized impact reached. In addition, this online tool will highlight gender gaps within an institution’s administration and staff composition. The self-assessment online tool is available in the project partners’ languages.

Database and guidance towards existing best practices and guidelines: This part is an online library composed of materials on sexual harassment prevention and awareness-raising; along with regulatory references. By all means, the database will consist of copyright terms regarding the materials’ sources.

Gender quality label: Through this service, institutions will be evaluated with a general score pertinent to the quality of gender policies and their implementation within the premises. Obviously, this quality label will contribute to the institution’s visibility and recognition. At this stage, we don’t refer to an auto-assessed process, but a third-party accreditation. Moreover, country-wise material will be produced with specific guidelines; policy templates; use of language guidance, etc. Finally, FREASCO partnership foresaw and assured service’s self-sustainability.

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development (iED) is content with the partnership and the project’s mission. Participating in this initiative is indicative of the culture and values of our organization.

Feel free to contact us, if gender-wise topics are within your keen interests.

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