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Good practices for Emotional Intelligence

Job-Career guidance

The reason why improving emotional intelligence is difficult, is that most people are not able to completely understand what emotional intelligence is and how it can affect their daily routine and their life in general. Some extra research can pretty easily explain what Emotional Intelligence is and, of course how it can be used to help make several daily situations, easier on a personal as well as professional level.

There are several steps that a person can take in order to improve their emotional intelligence. Certain good practices that have been scientifically proven to work very well. If we refer to the best practices of the Human Resources, Pfeffer (1998) through surveys has concluded that if the department of human resources management uses the following seven practices can achieve the best results for the business. The seven practices (best practices) are:

  1. Ensuring Work
  2. Selective recruitment
  3. Self-Administered groups
  4. The remuneration of staff according to performance
  5. Training
  6. Reducing discrimination and differences in jobs
  7. To disseminate information
  8. Health and safety

During the implementation of the Emotion to Motion European project, a study was developed that concentrated all the important information regarding these 7 steps to boost emotional intelligence, in order to assist interested parties, paying extra attention to young people.

Emotional Intelligence has proven to play a very important role to professional as well as personal development. Although the steps are fairly different between the two situations, the idea remains the same. The partners that worked together to create this study are all experts in their respective fields.

Wanting to have a successful career is rather difficult nowadays. Without the help of emotional intelligence, it can be nearly impossible. Every young aspiring businessman or businesswoman needs to develop their emotional intelligence skills. Employers must include them in the way they run their business.

Professional success depends on many different factors. Emotional Intelligence is right there on the top of the list. As an employer, you must learn exactly how you can apply new knowledge to your business. Emotional Intelligence can provide you with so many opportunities. A successful businessman must take advantage of these opportunities!

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