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Innovative Learning Activities in Piraeus from Education Out of the Box Project

Innovative Learning Activities from Education out of the Box

From 6-9 June 2022 students and educators had the opportunity to attend the 2nd Learning Teaching Training Activities (LTTA 2) of the Education Out of the Box EU project.

The training event took place in Piraeus, Grece and was realized by IDEC, a partner of “Out of the Box”.

Let’s find out what this training was all about.

Who participated in the innovative learning activities

During the four days that the innovative learning activities took place, the participants exceeded our expectations.

During the training participated more than 30 educators, trainers and students came from all parts of the world; they came from Greece, Luxembourg, Belgium, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, France, Turkey, and even from countries outside the EU like Pakistan and Malaysia.

People are engaging in groups during the innovative learning activities of the Education out of the Box project.
Participants are working in diverse groups

What was the training about

The primary purpose of this training was to promote the “Education out of the Box” EOOTB platform to the project’s target groups i.e educators, trainers, and students. After experimenting with the platform, the feedback the project consortium acquired was invaluable as we were able to understand the readiness of the platform and determine what we need to improve on.

Aside from the EOOTB platform, the innovative learning activities that took place did not stop there. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about:

  • The value of outdoors learning,
  • gamified learning,
  • digital games in education,
  • design thinking in education,
  • the ABC learning design,
  • the existing moodle tools,
  • and ETwining.

Despite the depth of knowledge presented during the activities for innovative learning, that was not the key takeaway from these events.

If we had to summarize it in a sentence the following would be more appropriate. The participants had the opportunity to grow their intercultural competencies and to develop synergies with trainers and educators from abroad.

Overall, it was a successful four-day event that inspired the participants to never stop learning and developing themselves in their teaching profession.

The world is fast-changing and teachers and educators of the world need to keep up with those changes. Because only then they will be able to provide a quality education that is better suited for modern times.

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