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Meet our new project: Alliance for Social Entrepreneurship


Social Entrepreneurship is one of the most important parts of a country’s economy. Year by year, the third sector of the economy (where social entrepreneurship belongs) becomes more and more popular. Third sector activities help the countries economy by reducing unemployment and establishing more professional positions but it also helps the society by doing social work. Although social economy and entrepreneurship are quite developed across Europe, the educational opportunities, especially for adults in the field of social entrepreneurship are not that developed.

The project Alliance for Social EntrepreneurshipASE aims at fostering the development of transversal skills related to social entrepreneurship, by using innovative and learner-centered pedagogical approaches. ASE will address educators working with adult learners and will strive to foster social entrepreneurship education by developing a specialized and learner-driven Open Educational Resources (OER), dedicated to social business, innovation, and development of social enterprises and entities operating in the 3rd sector.

The specific project objectives are:

  • To enhance entrepreneurial mind-sets among adults by strengthening the educational offer and providing opportunities for building skills in the field of social entrepreneurship;
  • To raise awareness about the existence of specific tools for the development of a social start-up, such as the Social Business Model Canvas and numerous Best Practices in Europe that could be reproduced in other countries;
  • To support social entrepreneurship education through the elaboration of an OER as a tangible outcome, offering a specific guide for the development of the 3rd sector, in particular on initiating social business and innovation and creation of cooperatives;
  • To raise competences, exchange and disseminate good practices related to social entrepreneurial education within adult educational entities;
  • To support quality improvements and extension of the offer of learning opportunities tailored to individual adult learners, thanks to establishing a network for strategic cooperation among stakeholders

To achieve all the above-mentioned goals on social entrepreneurship, the partnership that consists of organizations from 6 different countries – Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, and Greece will work towards the completion of three different intellectual outputs:

Research on the existing legislation and tools for the support of social entrepreneurship education in each partner country:

The research will gather information in terms of the legislation for the creation of social economy and social entrepreneurship in the partner countries and at the EU level, as well in regards to the needed support to be provided in view of initiating social business, development of social innovation.

The Open Educational Resource Content Development

The output will be a content development of entrepreneurship courses aiming to teach social business and economy, innovation, and creation of social enterprises and third sector entities. 

The Open Educational Resource

The OER aims to set up a possibility for new models of employment by providing tailor-made solutions for changing career paths thanks to innovation and identification of community needs giving their better valorization within social enterprises and third sector entities. Stay tuned and follow our project on Facebook:

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