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Deep in WBL – Final Meeting

Deep in WBL- Final Meeting

The partners of the Deep in WBL Erasmus+ project met for the last time on 9th December 2020. As it happens for all good things, every beginning has an end. Fortunately, Deep in WBL project’s legacy has an immense value for the European work-based learning (WBL) in formal VET. WBL and VET are considered key to youth upskilling and employability by ensuring a smooth transition from school to work.

Deep in WBL Objectives and Deliverables    

Apart from the general aim of improving WBL and VET in the partner countries, the consortium defined more specific objectives. Particularly, the identified objectives from the beginning of the project were:

  • The role of the different professionals involved in the implementation of the WBL
  • The practices implemented to strengthen cooperation between teachers and trainers to improve the quality of VET
  • The responsiveness to the labor market needs and ensuring learners high-quality learning experiences
  • The practices implemented to empower women in WBL

The partnership did a great job meeting the objectives set above with a series of five deliverables in two years. For all these outcomes to become a reality, the partnership did extensive research on WBL and VET training in their respective countries. In particular, this research involved an analysis of the legal framework, job profiles of WBL professionals and best practices in cooperation structures, and women’s participation in WBL.

A Successful Project

“We are delighted that we participated in the partnership of the project Deep in WBL, which was a great opportunity for us to both offer our expertise but also to enrich our knowledge regarding the current challenges in the context of Work-Based Learning,” said the project manager from Institute of Entrepreneurship Development – iED. Besides, the communication and overall collaboration between the partners was excellent. For this reason, we would like to thank and commend all participating organizations in the consortium that contributed to this project’s success.

The partnership consisted of the coordinator Camara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Zaragoza from Spain, and partners Kahramanmaras Provincial Directorate of Education from Turkey, INOVA from Portugal,  IHK-Bildungszentrum Cottbus GmbH from Germany, and Gestión Estratégica e Innovación SL from Spain.

To learn more about the Deep IN WBL project, click here.

To read all the deliverables of the project that are available online, click here.

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