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IntegrAction Intellectual Output 2: Immigrants in the Labour Market

IntegrAction Intellectual Output 2: Immigrants in the Labour Market

iED presents the IntegrAction Intellectual Output 2, which consists of two entrepreneurship handbooks. This deliverable is developed, in the framework of the European project “IntegrAction: Action for socio-economic integration of refugees and asylum seekers”. 

Brief Introduction to IntegrAction

It is an Erasmus+ project, with the overall aim to contribute to the economic and social integration of immigrants and asylum seekers in the host EU countries. IntegrAction aims to develop innovative tools to address the common problems of language and literacy; qualification and skills’ acknowledgment; and access to education and job market. Moreover, the project design foresees to encourage them to become active participants of the local community.

For more information, regarding IntegrAction, you can visit the official website.

IntegrAction Intellectual Output 2: Presentation

The first handbook is a complete step by step guide through entrepreneurship in the partner countries. In particular, the manual contains information regarding:

  • The creation of a plan for a business idea.
  • Entrepreneurial competences and how to assess them.
  • The legal registration of a business.
  • Funding opportunities.
  • List of resources for support and training provision.

On the other hand, the second handbook is an analysis of the labor market’s current state in the partner countries. Particularly, the structure contains information related to:

  • Comparison among professional industries, to determine labor shortages and unemployment rates.
  • The proportion of successful business startups and to which industries they are classified.
  • Potential challenges per country, while attempting a business venture. Furthermore, there is information on ways and initiatives to overcome them.
  • Presentation of entrepreneurship alternatives for each country.
  • The local labor market status and desk research on how to conduct successful job search per country.
  • Ways in which operators can support refugees in finding temporary employment, in parallel with their business idea development.
  • Finally, desk research on job search challenges and fields for skills’ improvement assistance.

Our Institute is happy with the quality of IntegrAction intellectual output 2 and with the project course so far. As a human rights advocate, is participating in numerous European projects with pertinent thematic. If you would like to input to our goal, you can contact our team.

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