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RESTART Project and its Results

RESTART project and its results


The evolution of European industries is supported by digital solutions and is depicted in what is so-called “Industry 4.0”. A survey conducted by the European Social Fund on the monitoring of the professional needs of the industry reveals a mismatch between demand and supply of skilled workforce. Businesses demand workers specialized in digital skills tailored to the industrial sector. It is necessary to introduce VET programs able to combine specialized sector expertise with a set of e-leadership and ICT skills.

The industry has been working closely with schools, universities, HEI providers to set up innovative programs to supply people with key skills necessary for digital transformation. Nevertheless, VET is yet to develop a link with the industrial sector.

Main aim

Involve the industrial sector in the transformation of VET systems, in order to meet the need for digital skills consistent with the technological developments in industries

Specific objectives

  • Investigate skill shortages in the 4.0 industry
  • Promote VET initiatives on digital skills targeting workers through mixed partnerships
  • Design training courses to update and requalify workers of the industrial sector, focusing on the uptake of digital skills
  • Foster training initiatives for entrepreneurs to make them understand the potential of ICT in traditional industries
  • Provide e-leadership skills to workers and managers that will lead to better employment and career opportunities
  • Foster the recognition of ICT skills in the traditional industrial sector through the use of ECVET

Targets reached

  • 103 trainees (80 workers + 23 students)
  • 158 workers, managers/entrepreneurs of traditional industrial sectors
  • 250 stakeholders
  • 13 VET trainers
  • 8 organizations partners of the Consortium
  • 18 staff members of the Consortium
  • Indirect: ca. 9.000 people

Main activities

O1A1 Conduction of a Training Needs Analysis
O1A2 Roundtables for “Digital Entrepreneurs”
O1A3 Elaboration of a Skill-Set For 4.0 Industries
O1A4 Elaboration of an Ecvet Path and Didactic Model
O1A5 Dissemination of O1
O2A1 Preparation of Training Material for the Toolbox
O2A2 Selection of Participants
O2A3 Test of the Training Toolbox
O2A4 Monitoring and Evaluation of the Toolbox Test
O2A5 Dissemination of O2
C1 – Short Term Joint Staff Training Event In Malta. September 2018 
E1-E5 – Multiplier Events In Italy,  Malta, Greece, Spain, and Scotland, 

Most relevant tangible results are

Training Needs Report
Digital training Skill-set for 4.0 Industries
Package of ECVET Documents and didactic model
55 hours of training contents
Toolbox Test Evaluation Report
The final version of “Digital Skills for Industry 4.0” RESTART Training Toolbox
36 hours of training for trainers
6 Public dissemination events
Project Website, Facebook page, and visual identity


Our partnership is very happy for achieving these outcomes which are products of good collaboration between partners. We are certain that the training materials will continue benefiting learners in the longterm.

For more information on the Restart Project make sure to visit the project website as well as iED’s projects section.
You can find the original article here.

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