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Sustainable development in Europe. What should be done?

One of the main issues which is faced by the majority of the European companies is the ways they can reach sustainable development and growth. The enterprises which have reached their climax in growth have to find the ways to boost sales and to create innovative products in order to keep growing and existing. Less strong companies have to develop a plan for surviving in the time of a crisis or in the conditions of strong competition on the market. So, let’s study the main action which should be done on the way to sustainable development in Europe.

Main actions for sustainable development

One of the main directions should be a development and implementation of the innovations in the company’s processes and production. It helps to make the company more efficient and lowers the cost of goods and services. In such a way the products become more price-competitive or their owner can put a higher margin on them.

Another important principle of the sustainable development is the change of the approach towards the production in order to become more eco-friendly. The production should make the least harm possible for the environment and it should use only renewable and recyclable materials. The owners of the businesses should think about the future of the planet.

The next action to be taken is the creation of the tight collaboration between the companies and the governmental authorities. The states should help the companies to develop and should create various grants and programs in order to support the business, as it will contribute to the development of the economies of the countries.

It is important to revise all the processes within the company and find the ways of their improvement. Thus, you may find out that your logistics processes are not cost-efficient and you should change the company that provides you these services. Or you may find a cheaper and better supplier of the raw materials, etc. Make a list of the existing processes and eliminate the ones which are not needed of don’t bring added value for the business.

The European companies should bear responsibility for their employees. They have to provide decent social packages for them and provide safe and comfortable work conditions. It will help to improve employees’ performance and build their loyalty to the company.

It is crucial that all the European companies and state authorities realize the importance of the sustainable development and join their forces in order to achieve great results together. The government’s support of all the business initiatives and favorable legal environment will be a great contribution towards sustainable business and economy.

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