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The 2nd Newsletter E-MPROVER

The 2nd Newsletter E-MPROVER

In the 2nd newsletter E-MPROVER, the strategic partnership of the European project informed about the initiatives progress so far; and the activities schedule changes, due to the pandemic.

The E-MPROVER Project

This Erasmus+ project is founded on the existence of unequal opportunities for employability. In fact, the initiative’s response to this phenomenon is employing online business education in youth work, through partner organization identification. Furthermore, the design foresees taking into consideration young people’s needs in local contexts. It is a strategic partnership of 4 organizations from Romania; Italy; Spain; and, Greece.

Learn more about E-MPROVER on the official webpage.


The partnership materialized the E-MPROVER guide, which is available in the official website, and consists of the following modules and it:

  • How to plan an online business.
  • How to manage an online business.
  • And, using ICT to promote and sell on the internet.

There modules ensure the platforms content quality, in relation to the learning and teaching of online entrepreneurship. The platform’s access will be open; and, online training virtual tutorial will guide the users through.

The 2nd Transnational Management Meeting

On August 30th and 31st, iED hosted the second transnational management meeting of the initiative. During the meeting, partners analyzed the project results so far and the new project schedule.

In addition, the partnership reorganized the learning activity that will be hosted by INFOLOG (Italy). The last transnational meeting that will be hosted by INERCIA DIGITAL (Spain).

Additional Information of the 2nd Newsletter E-MPROVER

The 2nd Newsletter E-MPROVER ended with the upcoming activities. By the end of June 2022, the initiative will materialize the following activities:

  • In December, a learning activity is planned to occur in Perugia.
  • Between March and April, workshops are planned for young people, between the age of 17 to 15, who are deprived of opportunities.
  • In May, multiplier events will occur in each partner country.
  • And, in April, the last management meeting will occur in Huelva.

This newsletter encompassed all the information, pertinent to the results and meeting so far. The upcoming plans signal the upcoming successful materialization of this initiative as well.

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