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The RSWFF Closure Phase?

The RSWFF Closure Phase?

Sustainable rural development is a high priority for the Europe Commission. As the results of accomplishing development in the rural areas of Europe, will be visible on economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

The RWSFF closure phase has arrived, with the consortium delivering 4 intellectual outputs and several deliverables for the interested stakeholders. «RWSFF: Rural Women to Sustainable Food and Farming – Fresh Food from Farm to Table» is an Erasmus+ project, under the Key Action 2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of adult education. 

Let us explore the RWSFF project  

The RWSFF consortium focused on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promotion and rural development strengthening. Although there is particular emphasis on women, it is expected to be beneficial for the general rural population as well.  

Visit the official website and discover the RWSFF project.

The RWSFF Closure Phase: The Results’ Presentation

The RWSFF closure phase is a fact and the consortium managed to materialize the following outcomes:

The Network of Women from Rural Communities (NWRC) (IO1)

The creation of NWRC serves as a collaborative network with agriculture, food system, and lifelong learning being at the core. Through this network stakeholders will be able to connect and exchange ideas, initiatives, actions in regional or European contexts that are pertinent to agriculture, social innovations, and cooperation.  

NWRC was a response to the need for future guidelines that would enable operation continuity, more systematic monitoring of accomplished results and better assessment of effects. The purpose was the creation of a strategic framework of members and partners that share the goal of how to achieve the NWRC vision through collective effort. 

The Platform Community Access to Fresh Foods (IO2)

This output is an open educational resource platform that ensures equal access for lifelong learning to rural women; adult facilitators and educators; community groups; organizations or other stakeholders. Furthermore, this virtual space provides opportunities pertinent to e-learning; cooperation between stakeholders; and connection with other women for knowledge and experiences exchange (peer learning). 

The Guide Access to Fresh Foods (IO3)

This is a paper about raising awareness on the following subjects:

  • Local food systems (LFS) initiatives and short food supply chains (SFSC), and their potentials on local development.
  • Market access for smallholders.
  • Higher food quality for consumers.
  • And, to consider ways to develop sustainable initiatives. 

RWSFF Training of Trainers (ToT) Course (IO4)

This is a 4-moduled training course for adult educators who are interested in working with rural women. This course sets a framework of characteristics and principles for meaningful learning on agricultural entrepreneurship and other aspects of rural economy, intended for rural women.

The RWSFF mission has been accomplished, due to the productive collaboration between the project partners.

Learn more about the RWSFF outputs by visiting the official website.

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