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The SKILLS+ EU Project


On the 3rd of December, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we honor people with disabilities all around the world.

People with disabilities can have the same start and the same opportunities with the other members of the society, not belonging to their group, in order to actively and equally participate in the social, economic and political sectors of their country.

SKILLS+, an EU Projects under the Erasmus+ European framework aims to support actions taken to achieve the goal of helping people with disabilities by addressing some major key issues preventing people with disabilities from getting integrated into the society. Issues like open discrimination.

To achieve maximum results, the projects want to support Sheltered Workshops and their employers, as they making an effort to create an all-inclusive society. Therefore it is of utmost importance to:

  • improve the knowledge and basic skills training of disabled people and provide them with the skills to enter the open labor
  • to increase the number of working people with a labor disability on the sheltered market by exchanging and sharing knowledge on methods and strategies on a large scale in EU, preparing these people for the open labor This concerns skills training, and connecting and motivating employers.

The SKILLS+ project aims to these needs. Stay tuned for more updates.

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