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WELLy | The Professional Profile of Work Well-Being Manager

WELLy – The Professional Profile of Work Wellbeing Manager

The Work Well-being Manager Professional Profile and Training Curriculum definition is the second intellectual output of  WELLy Project.

Firstly, this analysis aims to describe the work well-being manager professional profile. Consequently, to define the training curriculum to adequately acquire the knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to perform the professional role.

Furthermore, to create the professional profile of individuals responsible for the well-being in the workplace, it was important to analyze the areas of competency and the professional tasks of this new professional profile in charge of the workplace’s well-being.

Areas of Competency of the Work Well-being Manager

Particularly, this analysis describes the Work Well-Being Manager’s professional figure according to 7 areas of Competency and detailed in terms of knowledge, skills, and competences.

The 7 areas of Competency identified are:

  1. Communication
  2. Analytical and critical thinking
  3. Relationship-building & Emotional intelligence
  4. Strategic and organisational leadership
  5. Andragogy, Knowledge transfer and support methodologies
  6. Disability and diversity management
  7. Stress management & work happiness

Professional Tasks

Firstly, to define the work well-being manager’s professional tasks, the partnership analyzed the tasks and the activities that those managers are in charge of. This analysis identified 10 professional tasks of the well-being manager in the workplace:

  1. Evaluate the actual workplace conditions;
  2. Create an environment that is welcoming and stimulating;
  3. Develop good relationships across the organisation;
  4. Embed equality, diversity and inclusion best practices;
  5. Plan and implement measures for a fair and healthy workplace;
  6. Manage well-being programs and services;
  7. Being responsible for well-being program reports to collect and analyse data and information;
  8. Work hand in hand with other business leaders to help prevent illness and disease while improving overall health;
  9. Present regular updates and reports on the progress of the population and how it has improved since the implementation of health programs;
  10. Being responsible for well-being related to internal and external.

Finally, to read the “Work Well-Being Manager Professional Profile and Training Curriculum definition”, click here.

Learn more about the project, its objectives, and activities on the official webpage.

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