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Employee Development: 6 Ways to Communicate the Need for Training

Employee Development: 6 Ways to Communicate the Need for Training

The most successful companies have prioritized the training and development of their workforce to remain competitive in the global market.

Some reports suggest that managers are not doing enough to train their employees. Businesses should create opportunities for employee development and also invest time and resources to sensitize their workers to the need for training. 

Training for employee development equips workers with the knowledge required to respond to the ever-changing business landscape. 

Investing in employee training also prepares workers to use new technologies in emerging work systems. Training ensures that your workforce remains relevant and contributes meaningfully to the development of your business. 

Sometimes it is hard to get employees to join training programs. There are several reasons some employees may be reluctant to take part in training and development programs, including: 

  1. Lack of time 
  2. Overconfidence 
  3. Old age 
  4. Lack of interest 

To overcome these challenges, managers must learn how to communicate the need for training to their employees. You should make your employees understand the value of training in their professional development and your business. 

Clarify the training objectives  

Employees can be skeptical about the objectives of a training exercise. It will help if your organization clarifies the reasons for the training. 

Making your employees aware of why they are taking part in a training program is a sign of transparency, and it will help build trust among your workers. 

Setting out and clarifying the training objectives will raise your employees’ awareness. Some of the reasons organizations train their workforce include:

  • Updating employee’s knowledge
  • Developing new skills
  • Preparing employees for higher responsibilities
  • Enhancing teamwork
  • Correcting employer weaknesses and deficiencies

Many organizations take the wrong approach of communicating a training program to their employees by trying to force it down their throats. LinkedIn research discovered that 58 percent of employees like to study or train at their own pace.

A better strategy will be to communicate the benefits of training courses to both the organization and the employees.

Communicate employee training and development expectations   

It is also important to communicate expectations from the training to your workers. Employees will be more enthusiastic about attending a training session if it will meet their expectations.

Employees want to know that attending a training session would not be another talk shop and a total waste of valuable time.  

You can start by having a frank discussion with your employees about how they felt about past training. A dissatisfied workforce would be more likely not to be interested in future employee training. 

Some things employees expect from a training session include: 

  • The expertise of the resource person or persons 
  • The practicability of the training program   
  • The training applies to the role and responsibilities of the employee 
  • The training is  interactive  
  • The training platform and resources are easily accessible 

Employees like to take opportunities that lead to skills development. According to a PwC survey, 74 percent of workers are willing to learn new skills to remain employable.

Discuss employees’ developmental needs  

Many employers feel they know what their employees need to improve their skills and become more efficient in an organization. 

But sometimes, your plan on what employees need in their career development may differ from the route they want to follow. 

It is vital to discuss your workers’ performance, challenges, and how the company can assist in their employee development. 

These discussions can help businesses organize training programs that consider the concerns and expectations of the workers. 

Employees are more likely to show interest and participate in training programs where they are part of the planning.  A 2018 study by Axonify, found that 92 percent of employees believe well-planned training programs have a favorable impact on their level of engagement.

Communicate from a high authority 

Communicating the need for a training program to employees should come from the highest hierarchy in the organization. 

The person who communicates the training events to the employees is key to determining the seriousness with which workers will treat the message. 

The way workers treat a message depends on the source of their information. Workers regard messages from high managerial levels as more important than those from other levels. Information from the top of the business hierarchy shows how important an event is to the organization. 

Top-level managers are more likely to influence the behavior and functions of the workers. Employees listen more to those who have the power to hire and fire. 

When training information comes from higher managerial levels, it shows the employees how important it is to the management. 

Communicate at the right time  

Research shows that people are more receptive at particular times than others. 

Some experts believe that timing is important in employee training. For optimal impact, managers should choose the right time to share messages about training with employees. 

Messages delivered too early or too late will not have the desired effect on the audience. Delivering a message about an upcoming training event to an employee who is not emotionally ready to receive it is ineffective. 

One of the most effective times to deliver an important message, such as a training event, is when your employees are not overwhelmed with the workload. Good communication timing includes: 

  • Give sufficient notice to your employees about a training program so they have adequate time to prepare for the event.  
  • Being sensitive to the condition of your employees. For example, if workers are coming out of a marathon training, it would be insensitive to talk to them about another one. Managers must avoid insensitivity in their communication with employees.
  • Identify when your workers are open to new challenges and motivated to improve their knowledge and skills. 

Right timing affords your employees time to analyze the information and consider how the training will help their professional development. 

Use effective internal communication tools  

Using efficient internal communication tools can help businesses communicate the need for employee training to their workers. 

A dedicated internal communication channel makes it easy to reach your employees with training messages anywhere they are. 

One great advantage of internal communication tools is that it is a great way to get feedback from your employees about the proposed training. Constructive feedback from your employees can help you before and after the training programs. 

Managers can use internal communication channels to engage their employees by sending constant reminders about the importance of the training.  

Your workers can benefit from these internal communication engagements by identifying the training dates and organizing their schedules accordingly.

Final thoughts 

Employers have a responsibility to ensure that their workers are constantly undergoing training for their professional development. 

Although many companies spend enormous resources to organize training for their workers, there seems to be a growing apathy among employees about training programs. 

Experts have identified the failure of many businesses to communicate the importance of employee training for this apathy. 

The tips in this article will help businesses get their workers excited and informed about the need for training and employee development. 

Author Bio

Andreyana Kulina is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Brosix, specializing in Content marketing and outreach strategies. Besides her passion for digital marketing, she likes hiking and mountain-biking.

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