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Powerful Marketing Strategy You Should Focus On

Powerful Marketing Strategy You Should Focus On

The success of a business depends on the quality of its marketing campaign. A robust marketing campaign makes customers aware of your products and services, encourages them to engage with your brand, and influences their buying decision. The more people who know about the existence of your business, the more chances you’ll have of retaining loyal customers.

However, this doesn’t mean you should try implementing as many marketing strategies as possible. In business, quality always outweighs quantity — you should choose the best marketing strategies and exert time and effort to implement them properly and consistently.

To help you narrow down your options, here are six powerful marketing strategies you should focus on today.

1. SMS Marketing

According to statistics, SMS has an open rate of more than 98%, while emails only have about 21.33%. Open rates show the percentage of individuals who open the message you send to them — and the numbers provided show that SMS is more effective than emails.

This is why you should include SMS marketing as part of your overall marketing strategy. SMS marketing is a direct, immediate channel that enables you to engage and build loyal customers. It’s also cost-effective, as businesses in different niches and sizes can use it.

To guarantee the success of your SMS marketing campaign, always ask for the recipients’ opt-in before sending them messages. Getting their consent first is always important to avoid putting your brand in a bad light.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a powerful marketing strategy, but you don’t need to try to create a presence on all platforms. Attempting to do so will only hurt your brand, as you’ll have difficulties maintaining all your profiles.

Instead, focus on one social media channel only. For example, if your Instagram followers consistently engage with your brand on Instagram than on Facebook, spend more time updating your content on Instagram. Over time, this will improve your branding and enable you to build professional, long-lasting relationships with your audience.

A media monitoring tool can improve your social media marketing efforts. Having one allows you to understand your target audience, analyze your competitors, and identify the right influencers.

3. Blogging

When done consistently and correctly, blogging effectively drives traffic to your website and convinces your audience to buy. Blogging also allows you to show your business as a thought leader and help build credibility in the industry. There is also live blogging, allowing you to provide people with real-time updates about different events. You can read a guide to live blogging to learn more about it and use it as a marketing strategy.

However, to succeed in blogging, you need to follow specific strategies, such as:

  • Choose a specific niche: Avoid writing content about different topics; focusing on one niche is better. This will save you time and effort on research and makes it easier for you to build authority in the eyes of your audience.
  • Focus on quality: You’ll drive better results when you create one long, comprehensive blog than five non-informative posts. You should create blogs that provide value to the lives of your audience and not publish content just for the sake of it.
  • Use simple words: Don’t use your blog to showcase your vocabulary. Always use simple words to make it easier for your audience to understand the gist of your content and avoid any miscommunication.

4. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is one form of social media marketing that involves product placements and endorsements from influencers. In social media, influencers have built a reputation for their expertise and knowledge of a specific niche.

Unlike celebrity endorsements, influencer marketing drives longer-lasting, better marketing results as it allows two-way communication. Influencers use social media to regularly communicate with their audience, resulting in better engagement for all parties involved. This brings you closer to the potential audience through B2C and B2B influencer marketing.

If you want to gain the trust of a particular audience fast, try B2B influencer marketing. Thanks to the help of the influencer, you can easily build a strong community around your brand without starting from scratch. Influencers can promote your products and services by mentioning them on their social media profiles.

5. Search Engine Optimization

Most of your website’s online traffic is from search engines like Google. In fact, a recent study shows that 57.8% of all website traffic is from Google. This means that the more visible your website is in Google’s Search Engines Results Pages or SERPs, the more people will visit your website.

Ranking high in Google will come off easier when you include SEO as part of your marketing campaign. Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving elements on your website to increase visibility when people search for products and services that are similar or related to your business online.

You can make your website SEO-friendly by:

  • Improving page speed: Your audience will abandon your website if it takes too long to load. Conduct a thorough SEO audit to determine how you can improve the loading speed of your web pages. Small changes, such as optimizing images and using a better host, can shorten your site’s loading time.
  • Creating a responsive website: Your website should respond to visitors regardless of the device they’re using to visit it. They should be presented with the same content, buttons, and navigation regardless of using a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer.
  • Using the right keywords: Keywords are crucial to SEO because they make it easier for your audience to find your website online. Additionally, using the right keywords will help Google and other search engines understand your content, so they’ll rank it high in response to a search.

6. Podcasts

According to research, the number of individuals listening to podcasts in the U.S. has increased by up to 175% over the last five years, with about 90 million people listening to podcasts monthly. Make use of this status quo by using podcasts to market your business and offerings.

Once you’ve started a podcast, you can use it to grow interest in your brand by:

  • Discussing hot trends and current topics: Use podcasts to discuss recent news about your niche. For instance, has eco-friendly packaging become a trend in the industry? Let your audience know how you feel about this topic.
  • Turning your blog posts into podcasts: Worried that your audience has no time to read your blogs? Repurpose them into your podcast. This makes engaging your audience with your content easier as they don’t have to read.
  • Providing exposure to your brand: Consider guesting in other podcasts to bring more exposure to your brand. The relationships you create with other podcasters also help you reach a new target audience.

Use the Right Marketing Strategies

Improve your existing marketing campaign by incorporating the strategies mentioned here. These strategies can help you stand out from the competition and get your business off the ground.

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