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The Future of Localization as Part of Digital Transformation

The Future of Localization as Part of Digital Transformation

There is no doubt that localization is instrumental to digital transformation. The outbreak of COVID-19 also raised the bar of importance of both localization and digital transformation.

A study on the effect of the pandemic on digital engagement reveals that it accelerated digital transformation that would have taken years to happen. These transformations have resultantly triggered businesses to source ways to navigate the transformation curve by building an online presence.

Without localization, building an online presence could not serve the intended purpose. Therefore, localization is important to perfectly fit into the digital transformation era unless organisations are risking revenue minimisation, invariably.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to improve a company’s business idea, tactics, and customer experience, so as to make the company relevant in the changing business requirement.

What is localization

Localization is the software translation from its original language to other languages in a culturally approved way for the sake of new audiences that are not skilled in the original language.

What localization does is that it drives a sense of inclusiveness in global audiences, which will boost the traffic influx of the brand’s website.

Likewise, localization is simultaneously beneficial for a company and, at the same time, the audience; the audience is given the privilege to get services in their language while the company generates more revenue due to the number of people that they serve.

So, it is safe to say localization is a form of digital transformation.

Effects of localization on digital transformation

1. It Increases the sense of inclusiveness among local customers

When a brand localises its services, customers’ needs are matched exactly to what they envisioned. This shows that the brand is mindful of its customer’s wants.

When customers are aware that the brand cares about their specifications irrespective of other inherent restrictive factors, a sense of loyalty is built toward the brand by the customers. It can also make customers advocate for such a brand, which will give the brand a hand amidst brands that have not considered localising.

2. It eliminates expansion challenges

Numerous challenges can pose as inhibiting factors when a brand is trying to enter a new market. Such challenges include financial problems, challenges relating to local HR compliance, language barriers, and cultural differences. The concept of localisation will resolve the cultural and language challenges. When the content aimed at the new targeted location is localised, it improves the customer’s experience.

3. It improves search engine optimisation

Localization of digital content makes audiences’ needs more accessible on search engines. It provides the right signal for search engine users and improves the visibility of the content audiences need in their local languages, thereby amassing traffic to the website.

4. It creates wider coverage and acceptance

English speakers make up only a fragment of an online presence. Wouldn’t it then be counterproductive to have only English as the language of the web? That is why it is important to localise digital content to ensure equal representation of other language users. Inculcation of other languages will increase the number of users greatly.

Localization can not self-exist. The localization process would have to come into realisation if only conducted through the right channel.

A brand that desires localization can achieve its set goal by outsourcing a professional translation services company. Translation company services help build a brand’s online presence using a language other than the original choice language of the brand.

Translation company services, unlike machine translation, function under the consideration of cultural differences and language usage underpinnings that can only be discovered by native users or a person skilled in the target language, which machines may not be mindful of.

Machines, on the other hand, will most likely provide literal translation. The literal translation may end up upsetting the intended meaning and the target audience, which will be at the disadvantage of the brand.


Translation company services help brands to fit into the digital transformation that the world is experiencing by localising their content. They operate with linguists that are skilled in languages. Unlike their machine counterparts, human translators are conscious of translation in a literal way that can mess up the intended meaning of content.

When the choice of a translation company is gotten right during the localization process, the chances are that the brand gets across to multiple populations. It will resultantly give a brand a stronghold in the competitive world.

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