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Career Management Skills

The final meeting of the “LEarning And Decision making Resources – LEADER” project took place in Rome during 26-29 of June. All partners had the opportunity to discuss the last tasks of the project that is about to finish in September. The project concerned the promotion, at a European level, for sharing different approaches, for defining and testing a shared Career Management Skills (CMS) framework and for developing guidance and training resources for school teacher and guidance practitioners, also with the use of ICT. The working groups aimed at the dissemination and exploitation of the project’s results along with the preparation of the final report.

On Tuesday, at the ANPAL Conference Room, was held the LE.A.DE.R project International Conference entitled Career Management SKILLS: The European Challenge for Life-long Guidance. Prof Maurizio Del Contel – ANPAL Servizi along with Prof Flavio Corradini – Rettore dell’ Univerita di Camerino presented and pointed out the significance and added value of the project. Purpose of the conference was to present what has been done in the project and get feedback from the audience.

Prof. Siobhan Neary – University of Derby presented the research methodology (literature review, exchange of good practices, surveys) stating that career is a lifelong process. From the surveys conducted: 222 responses, 72% thought CMS were valuable, 57% reported there was no training in CMS and 60-100% would like to have a training. Prof. Francesco Lo Presti – Universita degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope continued stating that during our life have guidance and we have to be flexible in order to succeed. “Management is one of the highest skills someone has to acquire”. need to be provided with critical thinking and the project is based on that principle. The floor was given to Prof. Elisabetta Torregiani  – Universita di Camerino who made a presentation of the project’s site and the ICT tools used. Mr. Giulio Iannis – Centro Studi Pluriversum continued with the framework for CMS and all partner presented the national pilot actions that took place during the project’s implementation.

On Wednesday, the partners discussed the final tasks of the project and expressed their availability to collaborate in the future in order to promote and use project’s deliverables and outcomes for further actions.

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