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Games that skill you up!


The worldwide market is becoming more and more competitive every single day. All employees are expected to have skills and competencies that can help a business grow. However, the cases of people that lack certain skills or the level that is needed, are massive.

People are always trying to upgrade their skills and competences. The problem is that in most cases they are trying to do it the wrong way. Studying books and trying over and over again in an environment that is not very pleasant is basically the same as being eleven years old again and back to school. The difference is that this time you know that knowledge is important for your future.

Nowadays people have a lot of options and that is something that was not happening a few years back. Today a person can decide up upgrade their personal and professional skills and competencies in various ways until there are able to find that one way that will suit them the most.

And of course, the most common and pleasant way to up your skills is through serious gaming. Various studies have taken place and they are able to show the massive increase in skills and competencies in people of different ages, backgrounds, beliefs and so on, through serious gaming. The results are always promising and in most cases fast and conclusive.

If you want to start upgrading a specific set of skills you might have or if you want to learn a new one then we can guarantee that through serious games, the process will be a lot easier. Here are some suggestions of games specifically created for the purpose up upping your skills:

  1. Code of Aegis. The game was developed but the University of Huston and Tietronix Software. It focuses on teaching computer science aptitude, critical thinking, and programming skills.
  • Tablecraft. The game was developed by the University of Central Florida. It is a game that helps you upgrade your science knowledge through the use of the periodic table
  • HoloLAB Champions. The game was developed by Schell Games. It is a game about chemistry lab practice, provides students with a safe, fun space to practice basic lab skills.
  • DAARC. The game was developed by the Veterans Health Administration Employee Education System eLearning. The DAARC program is designed to improve the recognition of an anticipated emergent airway and the early identification of a cannot intubate, cannot ventilate situation. The focus of the training is to manage difficult airways using the Vortex Approach and implement the scalpel, spreader, and bougie open surgical cricothyrotomy technique. The Vortex Approach is a cognitive aid to be used when making decisions while in high risk and high-stress difficult airway management situations.
  • Triple E-dge games. The games were developed by a consortium of partners for 5 different European countries. Download the games here:

DODO: iOS & Android

SUSPECT: iOS & Android

Work it Out: iOS & Android

Serious gaming always has been and always will be an excellent way to upgrade your skills and competencies. Try out as many games as you can get your hands on and watch your level of skills skyrocket!

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