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Teaching adults basic skills for employment

Over the past few years, the European society has seen many changes. A financial crisis that hit hard, a migrant influx situation that continues to this day, unemployment levels reaching extreme numbers.  These problems appeared and continue to this day. Dealing with them has resulted in Europe’s leaders finding themselves in a difficult position, many times.

Finding the right solutions to these problems is not easy. Applying possible solutions does not always end in success. But the effort must be made. Over the years, Europe has established and implemented many financial frameworks, specifically created to solve these issues. These frameworks include many programs and projects focused on each problem separately. A large number of these programs has been aimed at combating unemployment in all its forms.

Although youth unemployment might have the lead in numbers, unemployment among older adults still remains a major issue. Lack of modern skills in today’s digital society can have very bad results. As it has been proven through researches, people with no digital skills are more likely to lose their job or be unable to find one. That is not the case for people with at least the basic digital competencies.

Teaching people and especially middle-aged adults the basic of digital skills and competencies can improve their chances of finding a job. Even at an advanced age. If we consider the fact that over 70 million Europeans struggle with basic reading and writing, basic digital tools and simple calculations, we can see why this step is so important.

Combating with adult unemployment will result in the reduction of the poverty levels all around Europe. At the same time, the phenomenon of social exclusion will also be reduced to minimum numbers. One of Europe’s major programs, the ‘’Upskilling Pathways’’ is, certainly a great way to achieve the desired results.

Anyone that has a need to strengthen their basic skills can be a part of this project, as well as all other similar European projects. Unemployed individuals are given a certain priority but, everyone has the same opportunity. Being employed or economically inactive does not change the fact that everyone can use some sort of training in order to advance basic skills and competencies.

There are many different ways to train people in the basic skills that everyone should possess. Whether we are talking about digital skills or basic literacy skills. Reducing unemployment is a priority for the European society. Major steps are being taken through the implementation of specified EU projects. Organization and research centers such as IED have made it their goal, to advance Europe’s needs. These projects aim to achieve the best for all European citizens regarding their employability, their social inclusion, and their integration into a new and prosperous way of living!

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