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Training material for young people on the topics of personal branding and entrepreneurship

Engaging youth back to work and employment is one of the strategic goals for all European countries. In order for this to work, you should address young unemployed at two levels:

First, equipping them with the motivation and skills needed to enter the labor market, special focus will be put on personal development and positive thinking; second, for more proactive young people who would like to explore self-employment, the project will create specific entrepreneurship support to promote entrepreneurship and self-employment to set up their own business as an alternative route into the labor market.

Within this framework, Re-engage! Alternative paths to motivate and engage youth back to work has the aim to give young people the opportunity to experience success through self-development, creative thinking and exploring their possibilities. The project will provide training support both to trainers/youth leaders and young people (especially NEETs). Thus, the project will result on self-development and entrepreneurship workshops aimed at empowering and re-engaging youth to unlock their creativity and career potential as employees or starting their own business.

Re-engage! partnership worked intensely during the 2nd Transnational Meeting, that took place in Larissa, Greece on 27th-28th of June 2017, in order to proceed with the development of the project’s main outputs:

  • Course pack “Make the Best out of Yourself” – boosting confidence and motivation, where you will find on the one hand tools, skills and knowledge to become an entrepreneur, and on the other hand recommendations for guidance professionals on strategies used to empower and activate young demotivated learners and workers;
  • E-learning platform ENGAGE-HUB, where you will find videos and interactive materials on personal development and entrepreneurship.
  • The Creative ME Toolbox, which will provide tips on how to unlock creativity!
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