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The PERSON project by the IED


Young men and women are the backbones of the European economy. They are the current generation that will form the market for future generations to come. Therefore it is of utmost importance to make sure that young people nowadays will be ready and prepared to form their own ideas and their own needs for their professional future. That way they will be able to achieve the results that they want when it comes to either creating their own businesses or being a part of the workforce of another business.

Young people are the ones with the potential to enhance the economic capacity and be the cause of the positive economic impact for the society. But to do that they need the right tools, skills, and competencies that will help them be active financial stakeholders. Education is the key here as it is one of the main factors for every kind of economic growth. And of course the higher the education the better the results.

The reason why the number of NEETs seems to be rising is due to the fact that education, although it is the path for economic growth, does not seem to be very appealing and attractive to young men and women. Countless hours are spent every year to lessons that are of no use to young men and women. As a result, there is a certain level of resentment towards the idea of education. And this is something that needs to immediately change if you want things to move forward for young people.

The PERSON: Promoting employability, retraining, social skills of neets, EU project aims in the need to understand young individuals in detail during their transition from being NEETs( not in education, employment or training) or inactive to work. The others are the need for data collection and sharing tool/platform, an education plan (for attracting and retraining more inactive young individuals and to bridge in communication and joint work that often exists between universities, staff. senior management and students in internalization efforts and activities.

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, as an expert on the field of entrepreneurship always provides its expertise on entrepreneurship as well as everything needed in order to create the best training material regarding entrepreneurship, businesses, startups and all of that focused on young men and women, aspiring to become business owners and entrepreneurs. The same will happen during the implementation of the PERSON project as well. The IED will provide the target group with the expertise needed to help them gain knowledge, retrain their current professional and social skills and promote their employability to the maximum.

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