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6 Tips to find a motivation at work when your ”battery” is low

When we are exhausted we start looking for the ways to recharge the batteries. Usually, a cup of coffee or tea helps us. Unfortunately, their effect is sort-lasting. So, we propose to use something different and to implement some of the tips and tricks below to boost your energy at work and give you the motivation you need.

  1. Visualize your targets. Imagine the final result of your work and you will feel the confidence in your actions. This is the method which is widely used by all the successful people.
  2. Listen to music. Choose the appropriate music which will keep you energized and positive. It is important that you playlist doesn’t distract your attention, but, at the same time, doesn’t let you fall asleep. It is better to choose instrumental music as the songs’ lyrics will distract you.
  3. 20 minutes of absolute concentration. Pomodoro is considered to be one of the most effective techniques of concentration. The idea is to set a timer for 20-15 minutes and to work without getting distracted during all this time. Then you have 3-5 minutes rest and begin another period of work.
  4. Create an ideal To Do List. It’s a sort of an art to create the To Do List which will become your true supporter and will help you to be more efficient. People who write the lists of the tasks manage to do more tasks than those who don’t do that. Don’t include the tasks which will be unrealistic to fulfil as this will demotivate. The list should consist only of the tasks which you will manage to accomplish during the day.
  5. Move your body. Physical exercises have a great influence on the human body. They stimulate a healthy metabolism, the work of the heart and the muscles. Even if you are exhausted find the forces to have a run or other physical exercises and you will immediately feel the boost of energy.
  6. Forget about your smartphone. The smartphones distract your attention not only at work but as well at home. Don’t check your Facebook news feed all the time, don’t spend hours chatting in WhatsUp. The elimination of these bad habits will leverage your effectiveness and save more time for work. Don’t use your smartphone before going to bed as you will be suck down into the news and, as a result, will not get enough sleep. This will lead to low energy during the next day. Good sleep is a guaranty of high effectiveness and a good level of energy next day.

Motivation in the workplace, is not very difficult to be found but at the same time it is not very easy. When you find your motivation, hold on to it and do not let it go!

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