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iED’s activities/deliverables on social inclusion


IED is an anthropocentric organization. Accordingly, social inclusion is at the heart of iED’s commitment, to build a strong, social Europe. In IED we are proud to have taken part in EU projects that promote social inclusion and active membership of different groups of people, including immigrants, refugees, and minorities. Concerning the first group of people, our Institute was and still is involved in diverse projects. Let’s take a quick look at some of them.

Social Entrepreneurship for Immigrants: SENTIM

The purpose of the SENTIM project aimed to explore the potential benefits of the social economy by taking into account the needs of immigrants, and thus the needs of any individual who is discriminated in the labor market and suffers from social exclusion. A training module about entrepreneurship-related competences was created as well as an e-learning module for training professionals, identifying interest for entrepreneurship and evaluating the competences of the immigrants.

Οn the same wavelength, YOU-ME project was aimed to impart knowledge and the necessary tools to those young migrants who wish to take on entrepreneurial activity and promote social inclusion. An e-training platform for young migrant entrepreneurs was developed in conjunction with an online training course, and an interactive map facilitated the targeted group to locate organizations that help out migrants.

2nd generation’s immigrant youth: RAYSE

Through this project, the youngsters’ integration is fostered by raising their awareness about their rights and duties, their social inclusion, as well as the dialogue among locals, institutions, and people with migration backgrounds. In the frame of RAYSE project a Toolkit for Second Generation Youth Ambassadors was developed which includes all the best practices and results achieved within the project and will serve as guidelines for the organizations and associations that want to start a process of awareness building and youth inclusion.

Women integration: URBAGRI4WOMEN

Another social inclusion project is Urbagri4women. The URBAGRI4WOMEN project’s primary goal was to carry out activities that help migrant women integrate welcoming communities and find their place in these societies. Migrant women received new knowledge and competences regarding agriculture, as well as potential entrepreneurial activity, and their usefulness in integrating local societies based on the training course that was developed by the URBAGRI4WOMEN partnership.

Future iED’s involvement:

Enabling immigrants to easily know and exercise their rights: EASYRIGHTS

EASYRIGHTS is an upcoming project whose aim is to develop a co-creative ecosystem for different local actors’ cooperation in order to increase and ameliorate the quantity and quality of public services addressing to immigrants. To better achieve the exercise of immigrants’ rights the project will try to facilitate the communication and create an easyRights Mediation Grammar accepted around Europe.

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