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Quality assurance plan for EU projects – Do’s & Don’t’s


Every part of an Erasmus+ proposal is important. Everything needs to be in order. If the processes are not perfectly explained in the proposal then you will lose points of success. Evidently, the proposal is not going to get approved. Therefore taking your time to do your research and write your proposal is of the essence.

There are, however, certain parts of the proposal that are considered to be more important than other. You are certainly supposed to pay extra attention to those parts. One of them being the Quality Assurance Plan.

The Quality Assurance Plan is not something that begins when the proposal gets approved. However, some parts could be very important in the beginning so they should be considered during the proposal writing time. If not then it could be seen as if you will not be able to reach a good quality in your project management.

Here are some tips about the things you should or should not do when it comes to creating the perfect quality assurance plan:

1. Prepare and Identify

Make sure that your quality assurance plan can completely explain the identification and preparation process of your proposal’s subject. The idea needs to be a solution to a problem, not just a theory. How did you find the problem and prepared the solution?

2. Make sure the basic criteria are met

Innovation is the key to every Erasmus+ project. Be sure to show that in your quality assurance plan

3. Selecting the partners

The partner selection needs to be analyzed. How did you choose them and why? That needs to be visible and detailed in the quality assurance plan

4. Analyze the tasks

Each partner is going to have specific tasks. What will those tasks be and why are they given to each partner? How will you communicate? Do the partners have the Knowledge, the Skills and the Attitude needed to implement the project?

5. Focus on the Communication

Communication is the key to a successful partnership. And it needs to be thorough. The quality assurance plan must include every detail regarding communications between partners, trainers, and trainees.

6. Start early

There is time before the kick-off meeting that usually goes to waste. Take advantage of that time to start early. And make sure that this will be shown in the quality assurance plan. Using all of your time can be great for the quality of your proposal.

7. Explain your implementation strategy

Basically the most important part of the plan. The plan that will assure everyone for the quality of the proposal. A clean strategy about everything that will be happening during the implementation process of the project. This will be the most important plan of the quality plan as it will show how the quality will be achieved.

8. Plan and Manage the time properly

Knowing every step of the way, every hour that will be spent in order to implement your projects. Every little detail. Planning ahead will help you save a lot of time and of course, avoid any missteps or unexpected and unpleasant situations.

9. Assess and manage the Risk

A good quality assurance plan needs to be able to deal with the risks that might occur. Preparation is everything so make sure that your quality plan will analyze any possible risk and give solutions to every single one of those risks.

10. Be clear about the budget

The budget needs to be distributed among partners based on what each partner is going to be doing. Payments are going to be made before and during and after the completion of the project. All of that need to be thoroughly checked and analyzed in the quality assurance plan

These are the most important part that you will need to do when it comes to creating the perfect quality assurance plan. There are the however certain thing that you must avoid at all cost if you want the plan to be a success.

1. Do not spare any details

Even if you think that a specific detail might not be as important as others, include them anyway. Every detail counts. Do not make the mistake of thinking that excluding details might not hurt your quality assurance plan.

2. Do not forget to double check

It is a common mistake to not double or even triple check the quality assurance plan. Yes you spent long hours writing it and yes you made sure that all the details are correct but that does not mean that you should not check again and again.

3. Do not forget to make copies

Quality assurance plans are rather difficult to write but there is a common base to all of them. Making copies of your quality assurance plans as well as the process to write them can work as some sort of library for you. So do not forget to copy and store all of your work.

These rules might seem simple but, without proper guidance from professional on the field, they will be very difficult to implement. Writing the quality assurance plan, for the first time will take long hours and a lot of effort but it will seem a lot easier if you have at least a good idea of what you are about to do.

There are seminars and webinars out there that can certainly help you by providing you with the knowledge needed in order to be able to write a great quality assurance plan and in general, a great proposal. The IED is able to offer you the opportunity to learn from the best. So, apply to our webinars today and receive the knowledge needed in order to write the best quality assurance plan!

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